Ouuch...it hurts

[Cracking sound]
I can hear my lower part of my knee gave away as I fell awkwardly on the turf. Shit…after a miniscule 2 minutes of the first game I’m out of the tourney already. All the 3 Saturdays of practice went out the window coz I don’t think I can continue.
It’s really a drag coz this our ’89 team came prepared for the annual SMSAH futsal tourney for my secondary school alumni. We wanted to reach at least the quartersemi-final this time around. By the way we have been practising, reaching the quarterfinals is not something impossible.
Like the year before, after the game, we went for a get-together for a meal and this time around it’s at the banana leaf restaurant at Jalan Gasing. After, 2 kilos of fried shrimp (yup, 2 kilos) everybody went home except me who went to the nearest hospital to have my knee x-ray’ed.
Response has to be surgery or maybe observation or maybe radiation or maybe some combination of those two or three and that actually has to be a things that we need discussed that meningiomas can you treat them with radio surgery or .
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